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Tired, aching or heavy-feeling legs?

If you or a loved one suffer with tired, aching or heavy legs it could be the result of insufficient muscle stimulation in your lower legs. Tired aching legs can affect the simple things we love doing like gardening, walking the dog or playing with grandchildren, reducing your quality of life.


Luckily, there are several ways to reduce the symptoms of heavy painful legs - including our Revitive Medic Circulation Booster® range, designed to improve leg circulation and get you back to living a full, enjoyable life.

Image of the three products, medic, medic knee and medic coach

Revitive Medic Circulation Booster® actively improves circulation by stimulating the muscles in your legs and feet.

Why do you suffer with Tired & Heavy legs?

When blood flow is interrupted in the legs, you may experience these symptoms. Returning blood to the heart from your feet and legs is hard work, because blood has to be pushed uphill, so you may experience tired legs alongside the symptoms of poor circulation.

Factors that affect your ability to return blood back to the heart are:

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Medical Conditions

Medical conditions such as diabetes, high blood pressure and venous insufficiency (one symptom of which is varicose veins) can all reduce blood circulation.

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As we get older, we may experience leg pain and a natural decrease in the ability of our circulatory system to keep blood pumping around our body.

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Reduced mobility due to conditions such as osteoarthritis can also have a big impact on how well your body can circulate blood and other necessary nutrients through your blood vessels.

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Being Less Active

Whether through age, reduced mobility or simply leading a sedentary lifestyle, being less active can make your legs feel tired and sore, caused by reduced blood pumping to your body from your legs and feet.

Therefore, it’s vital to keep your lower leg muscles pumping to relieve or prevent these symptoms.

Human need image of feet on a revitive with the waves being shown

How does Revitive technology help relieve the symptoms of Tired & Heavy legs?

The Revitive Circulation Booster® harnesses the power of scientifically proven Electrical Muscle Stimulation (EMS) technology which has been used as a medical therapy for almost a century.

It actively contracts and relaxes your leg and feet muscles to stimulate lower limbs, improve blood flow, and help alleviate the feeling of tired and heavy legs - but don’t just take our word for it. It’s also been proven in our clinical trials.

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Leg pain and cramp can get in the way of your day-to-day activities. Night cramp can have an impact on your quality of sleep too. Your leg health is a key indicator of your overall health.

Our best-selling Circulation Booster is suitable for everyone with tired, achy-feeling legs and is registered for people with Diabetes, and OsteoArthritis.

Using professional-strength OxyWave muscle stimulation, Revitive Medic is indicated to:

  • Reduce pain and discomfort in the legs, feet, and ankles
  • Reduce swelling in the legs, feet, and ankles during use
  • Alleviate tired, aching & heavy legs Increase walking distance before pain for people diagnosed with poor circulation

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