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What is Revitive Circulation Booster?

Revitive is a drug-free registered medical device, clinically proven to improve circulation in your legs and feet during use. Revitive uses professional strength Electrical Muscle Stimulation (EMS) to stimulate the muscles and get oxygen-­rich blood flow to your legs and feet.

What Can Revitive Help With

Revitive helps to contract and relax your calf muscles to pump oxygenated blood flow throughout your legs and feet. Used everyday for 30-60 minutes, Revitive may:

Actively improve leg circulation
Reduce leg aches & pains
Reduce cramp
Reduce swelling
Increase walking distance before pain

Is Revitive safe to use?

Revitive Circulation Booster© is a registered medical device which means it is rigorously tested to ensure its safety and efficacy. Revitive is developed and tested by leading medical experts in physical therapy and vascular surgery. In Australia, Revitive Circulation Booster is the only device of its kind to be endorsed by the Australian Physiotherapy Association. There are 4 main reasons why you can safely include Revitive in your daily routine:

  1. Registered medical device
  2. Clinically Tested to improve circulation during use
  3. Designed and tested by physical therapists and vascular surgeons
  4. Endorsed by the Australian Physiotherapy Association (APA)

Revitive is a drug-free, registered medical device designed to increase blood circulation in the legs and feet which could provide pain relief.1

It may help healthy individuals who have not been as active as they used to be, and also those with medical conditions such as poor circulation diagnosed as peripheral arterial disease, swollen, painful knees due to knee osteoarthritis or pain and discomfort due to diabetic peripheral neuropathy. If you have an underlying health condition, talk to a doctor before using Revitive. Always read the labels and use Revitive as instructed. Revitive should not be used if you are:

  • fitted with an electronic implanted device such as a heart pacemaker or Automatic Implantable Cardioverter Defibrillator (AICD)
  • being treated for, or have symptoms of Deep Vein Thrombosis (DVT): such as pain, swelling and tenderness, heavy ache, warm or red skin in the leg
  • pregnant

Successful Clinical Trials

Revitive has been tested in clinical studies involving patients with PAD, Varicose Veins, and healthy individuals.7-11


Patients with PAD who used Revitive, in addition to standard therapy, experienced improved leg blood flow during use, increased walking distance before the onset of cramping (pain) and reduced leg pain when walking.7

Varicose Veins

In patients with mild varicose veins, when used with standard therapy, Revitive improved leg blood flow, and prevented blood pooling during use, while improving symptoms associated with varicose veins at 6 weeks.8-9

Healthy People

In healthy individuals, Revitive has been shown to improve blood flow, improve oxygen level in tissues, and reduce limb swelling, pain and discomfort caused by prolonged inactivity during device use.10-12

Designed and tested by physical therapists and vascular surgeons
  • Prof. Alun Davies, a vascular surgery expert at the Imperial College London, tested the benefits of using Revitive in numerous clinical trials.
  • Prof. Tim Watson, of University of Hertfordshire is an expert in physiotherapy and electrotherapy and serves as the leading consultant in program development.
  • Physiologists Prof. Katya Mileva of London South Bank University and David Paul Sumners co-invented Revitive’s patented waveforms.
Endorsed by APA

After a stringent and rigorous clinical assessment, the Australian Physiotherapy Association (APA) has agreed to provide professional endorsement for Revitive Circulation Booster. The APA review required the following high standards:

  • Valid certification with Therapeutic Goods Administration Australia
  • Clinical evidence to ensure compliance and validity of claims
  • Review and testing of Revitive Circulation Booster by the Head of Musculoskeletal Group in consultation with the APA national group

How to use a Revitive Circulation Booster

Revitive is designed for home use and comes with a remote control, or app control for Medic Coach, for ease of use.

Talk to your doctor before using Revitive if you have a medical condition.

Join nearly 3 million Revitive users and experience improved leg circulation firsthand.

Find a comfortable seat and place your bare feet on the foot pads.
Switch on and choose an intensity level where you can feel your calf muscles contracting strongly.
Sit back and let Revitive go to work. Typical usage daily 30-60 mins.
Try Revitive for 6-8 weeks and see what it can do for you.

What people are saying

"Very impressed with this item. My husband and I both use it every day, and have definitely noticed an improvement. Good buy."

Angela, Hawkes Bay

"Has helped my dad who has swelling in his legs immensely. I would highly recommend getting one as its well worth the money. Finally a product that delivers what it says." 

Joanne, Bay of Plenty
Free Extended Warranty

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60-Day Money Back Trial

If within 60 days of purchase you are not satisfied with your new Revitive Circulation Booster, contact our Customer Service team for a refund, less $29.95 P&H. See Terms and Conditions.